Derren Brown in association with Vaudeville Productions Ltd.
Derren Brown has become one of the country’s best known performers; as much admired for his unique talents as vilified for his more controversial stunts. He has been compared to a Jedi and dubbed the scariest man in Britain; there have been calls for him to be banned and to be burnt at the stake.
His series and specials have received many industry award nominations and DERREN BROWN: MIND CONTROL won The Silver Rose in the Variety Category at Rose d’Or Montreux 2003. His 2005 live show SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES at the Cambridge Theatre won an Olivier Award for Best Entertainment Show.

Derren’s act is 45 –
The first volunteer forms the framework of the show, as she gambles light-
The finish is a high-
Hi Michael
Many thanks for liaising with Derren and helping to sort out yesterday evening’s event. I am reliably informed that everyone was “blown away”, and have heard words bandied about like “amazing”, “fantastic”, “unbelievable”. All in all, a great success.
Please pass on the group’s appreciation to Derren.
Maria McHale SfE Health
I just wanted to drop you a short note to say that Derren was
fantastic last night. The event went really well and he was truly a crowning glory
thanks for all your help on this one.
Nigel Scott Creative Director
“The closest our galaxy can boast to a Jedi Master” (Empire Magazine)
“This guy’s powers could seriously freak you out” (Daily Star)
“It’s impossible not to be impressed by Brown’s brilliance and baffling shtick. (London Evening Standard)
“Clearly the greatest dinner party guest in history… or the scariest man in Britain ” (The Guardian)
“I just want to burn him at the stake and watch his witch’s heart babble” (Stephen Fry)
“One of the most proficient illusionists on the planet….any planet” (Glasgow Herald)
“He ought to be locked up with some sort of day-
“He’s at the height of his considerable powers” (Nuts)
“We know that really he’s a warlock” (Heat)
“Love him or hate him Derren Brown is the king of illusionists and the prince of psychological persuaders” (Night & Day Mag)
“…part James Bond, part Yoda” (Guardian Guide)